Thursday, June 23, 2011


I really enjoy this course, and I think it was the best course. This course is very useful and fun. To be honest, I was very scared of many things before we went diving; marine life that I have never known, being in the middle of the sea, diving in the real sea, diving skills that I have to do in the real sea, and etc. But I have passed all of my fear, and in fact I thought it was really challenging and fun. I really enjoyed diving with my friends in Pattaya. I met three turtles, I touched a starfish, I think they were really interested. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I've learned and seen the organs of the marine organisms, and I found it very interesting. A larger fish has much bigger organs than the smaller fish. I also found the eggs of the fish when I dissected, and there were hundreds of them. I have learned how they live underwater and how they swim. I think the easiest structures to identify are the intestines and the livers of the fish. The major differences between the invertebrates and the fish that we dissected are the invertebrates don't have backbones, which the fish have. The invertebrates also have a less organs and are harder to identify, while the fish have more sophisticated organs that are easier to identify. They both have organs. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Spirobranchus giganteus

I think Spirobranchus giganteus is the most interesting fish from the Gulf of Thailand. This creature is the most interesting creature of the Gulf of Thailand because the shape of it is like a christmas tree. I have never seen any worm this beautiful as the Spirobranchus giganteus. Every time I think of the worm, the word "ew" comes up in my mind, but for this type of worm, I found it beautiful and interesting. This type of worm has many colors; orange, yellow, blue, and white.

File:Spirobranchus giganteus (Christmas tree worm) baby blue.jpg

File:Spirobranchus giganteus (Christmas tree worm) red and white.jpg

File:Spirobranchus giganteus (Orange Christmas tree worm).jpg

Questions I have about this organism:
1. What is it made of?
2. How can they form a christmas-like shape?
3. How did they protect themselves from the predators?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

4. two primary ocean zones

The ocean is made up of two zones; which are the photic zone and the aphotic zone. Photic zone has something to do with light, and it is defined as the depth to which 1 percent of surface light intensity is present. Photic zone is very important for life on earth even if it represents a very small portion of ocean. While more than 90 percent of the deep ocean or the part that the light cannot reach is called aphotic zone, or the area below 200 meters

Thursday, June 9, 2011

favorite behavior

I think the most interesting marine behavior is schooling. Schooling is when a group of fish swimming in unison, changing directions in an instant, yet never colliding with each other. They all move in the same direction and at the same speed. This is very beneficial for them because it's more safe for them and the chance of surviving is greater. They can confuse the predators that they are a larger organism by forming a large school. Schooling also allows them to find more predator, and have a better sense of migrating and avoiding the predators. So it is very important to marine ecosystems. I think this behavior is cool because it's amazing that fish can form school, while human can not do it. Fish is very fast and they all move in the same direction without running into each other like human when trying to do it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our atmosphere and the life on earth

Even just a little action that you do in life can affect our earth. Even if you throw a piece of paper, or a bottle of water on the floor, they might end up being in the ocean, and affect many living animals in the ocean. Our world has developed and new inventions have been created, but these new technologies and inventions are causing pollutions like carbon dioxide to our world, and ocean too.

Carbon dioxide has a great impact both in the atmosphere and the seawater. This great amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere is created by many factors including new inventions and technologies that have been created such as car, and human actions such as burning fossil fuel. The increasing of carbon dioxide in the seawater causes the water to be more acidic, and this has a great impact on the living animals in the sea, for example sea urchin. They can not adapt to the increasing of the acidity in the water, and they will develop slower, in the end there would be lesser amount of them.

The beautiful environments and the fresh air in our world started to get destroyed or polluted by the pollution in the atmosphere, if you don't want this to happen to the world under the water, then think before doing every actions, and make the right decisions that can save the world, the sea and the living animals in the sea. And again, every little actions that you have made, have a great impact on our world.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blog 1

Ocean, a very beautiful and relaxing place that everyone wants to go. When I was younger I was already very interested in the underwater world, and I love to go to the beach, seeing many beautiful environments, but I never had an experience to dive under the water. My experience with the ocean is I used to go snorkeling with my family in Krabi. My expectations for this class are to know how to dive safely and correctly, get more ideas about the underwater world, and to see the beautiful environments under the water. I take this course because, as I said, I was very interested about the underwater world since I was young, and I think this is a very good opportunity for learning and getting more ideas about it. This is also a good opportunity to see many living things underwater that I have never seen. I want to learn about the living things underwater, how they live, what they eat, and how they survive. Underwater world is definitely different from our world, and I want to learn how can human like us survive in the underwater world.