Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our atmosphere and the life on earth

Even just a little action that you do in life can affect our earth. Even if you throw a piece of paper, or a bottle of water on the floor, they might end up being in the ocean, and affect many living animals in the ocean. Our world has developed and new inventions have been created, but these new technologies and inventions are causing pollutions like carbon dioxide to our world, and ocean too.

Carbon dioxide has a great impact both in the atmosphere and the seawater. This great amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere is created by many factors including new inventions and technologies that have been created such as car, and human actions such as burning fossil fuel. The increasing of carbon dioxide in the seawater causes the water to be more acidic, and this has a great impact on the living animals in the sea, for example sea urchin. They can not adapt to the increasing of the acidity in the water, and they will develop slower, in the end there would be lesser amount of them.

The beautiful environments and the fresh air in our world started to get destroyed or polluted by the pollution in the atmosphere, if you don't want this to happen to the world under the water, then think before doing every actions, and make the right decisions that can save the world, the sea and the living animals in the sea. And again, every little actions that you have made, have a great impact on our world.

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